Archives de catégorie : Conférences Internationales

Congrès et conférences Internationales, en anglais

3rd International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR-2021)

3rd International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR-2021)

13th-15th October 2021
Paris, France (Virtual Only)
VIHAR-2021 is the third international workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots. Taking place virtually in Paris, France (online only) on 13-15 October 2021, VIHAR-2021 aims to bring together researchers studying vocal-based interaction in-and-between humans, animals and robots from a variety of different fields. This includes speech, animal vocalisations or other acoustic interaction. VIHAR-2021 will provide an opportunity to share and discuss theoretical insights, best practices, tools and methodologies, and to identify common principles underpinning vocal behaviour in a multi-disciplinary environment.

The registration is free but mandatory.

The workshop follows the success of previous International workshops on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots (VIHAR-2017 and VIHAR-2019).

We invite original submissions of abstracts in all areas of vocal interactivity. Suggested workshop topics may include, but are not limited to the following areas:
  * Physiological and morphological comparisons between vocal systems in animals
  * Properties and functions of animal signals
  * Evolution of vocal interactivity
  * Vocal imitation and learning
  * Conveyance of emotion
  * Comparative analyses of human and animal vocalisations
  * Use of vocalisation
  * Vocal interactivity between non-conspecifics
  * Spoken language systems
  * Technology-based research methods
  * Vocal interaction with robots

To present your work/ideas at VIHAR you will need to submit:

• Title
• Authors (and institutional affiliations)
• Abstract (max 500 words; you are also encouraged to include one image/diagram)
• One sentence stating the relevance to VIHAR
• Does this work relate to: Humans? Animals? Robots? (Multiple selections are certainly permitted!)

The number of proposals from each presenter (“first author”) is limited to two. The number of proposals that a co-author can be involved in is limited to five.

A panel of experts will curate the submissions in order to ensure they belong to the scope of the workshop.

A compilation of the abstracts will be published online on the workshop website in the form of abstracts-only proceedings.

The authors will have the opportunity to submit papers to special issue organized in a journal after the VIHAR workshop.

Submission link:

Key Dates:
  – Submission deadline – 1st Sep. 2021  8th Sep 2021
  – Notification of acceptance – 22nd Sep 2021
  – Workshop – 13th-15th October 2021 (Virtual)

  – Mohamed Chetouani, Sorbonne Universite, ISIR, CNRS
  – Dan Stowell, Tilburg University / Naturalis Biodiversity Centre
  – Angela Dassow, Carthage College
  – Ricard Marxer, Université de Toulon, Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, LIS
  – Roger K. Moore, University of Sheffield
  – Elodie Briefer, University of Copenhagen
  – Nicolas Obin, IRCAM / Sorbonne University

If you wish to join the VIHAR community, please subscribe to our mailing list by entering your e-mail address at and then responding to the confirmation e-mail that you will receive from the list server.

Please forward this call to anyone who you think might be interested in contributing/attending.

Colloque international : “La voix dans les chansons : approches musicologiques”

Colloque international “La voix dans les chansons. Approches musicologiques”
3-4 mars 2016
Université Lyon 2 – Université Paris-Sorbonne

Organisation : Catherine Rudent (Paris-Sorbonne, IReMus) / Céline Chabot-Canet (Lyon 2, Passage XX XXI)
Programme du colloque

L’étude de la voix chantée a longtemps été centrée sur la voix lyrique occidentale et, secondairement, sur certaines techniques vocales exceptionnelles présentes dans des cultures de tradition orale – souvent extra-européennes. La littérature sur la voix chantée comportait aussi des textes abondants et importants sur la voix au regard de la psychanalyse. Mais depuis les années 1990, à l’échelle internationale, se sont fait jour d’autres courants de recherches, qui élargissent leurs préoccupations en direction de l’ensemble des répertoires occidentaux, incluant les musiques populaires phonographiques. En travaillant sur les aspects objectivables de ces voix chantées diverses, ils en ont étendu et précisé la caractérisation physiologique et l’analyse acoustique. Ces nouveaux courants de l’analyse vocale ont alors enrichi ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler popular music studies : ils ont permis de réfléchir aux voix chantées d’une manière précise et solidement argumentée, et en ont alimenté des approches sémiotiques (Tagg, Lacasse, Lefrançois), ou stylistiques (Chabot-Canet, Rudent). Ils ont bénéficié des avancées technologiques dans le domaine de l’étude physiologique et de l’analyse acoustique et reposent ainsi étroitement sur la collaboration entre sciences exactes et sciences humaines et sociales.
Le colloque “La voix dans les chansons. Approches musicologiques” se propose, en premier lieu, de faire un bilan d’étape des résultats ainsi acquis. Son deuxième objectif est de souligner les perspectives d’avenir de ce champ de recherche actuellement en grand développement, non seulement en France mais internationalement. A ce colloque participent, outre des chercheurs internationalement reconnus, des doctorants issus de diverses équipes de recherches et de disciplines multiples, dont le travail est en passe de contribuer aux avancées dans ce domaine.
Que ce soit sur le mode du bilan d’acquis ou de l’ouverture des perspectives de la recherche, ce colloque vise donc à montrer comment la musicologie en général, et les popular music studies en particulier, peuvent bénéficier des outils scientifiques et des connaissances actuels de l’analyse acoustique et de la physiologie de la voix, pour une compréhension musicologique de la voix chantée dans le contexte foisonnant et hétérogène des musiques populaires phonographiques ou popular music.

Premier congrès international interdisciplinaire sur la voix en Espagne – 25-26 Novembre 2016

Voici le premier congrès international espagnol organisé sur la voix dans une approche interdisciplinaire. Il se tiendra à Madrid les 25 et 26 Novembre 2016. Il est organisé par l’Institut Espagnol de la Voix (Spanish Institute of Voice).

Toutes les informations sur :!spanishcongress/c1ox3

PEVOC + MAVEBA du 31 Août au 4 Septembre 2015 à Florence, Italie

En 2015, la grande conférence pan-européenne sur la voix aura lieu à Florence en Italie du 31 Août au 4 Septembre … réservez la date !!!

11th Pan European Voice Conference – PEVOC 2015
9th International Workshop Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications – MAVEBA 2015

31st August – 4th September, 2015
Palazzo degli Affari – Firenze Fiera
Piazza Adua 1, Firenze, Italy

PEVOC and MAVEBA are organized every two years aiming to stimulate contacts between specialists active in pedagogy, art, medicine, technical and engineering research and industrial developments in all aspects and fields related to the human voice. This joint conference will offer the participants an unique interdisciplinary platform for presenting and discussing new knowledge in these fields as far as adults, singing and pediatric voices are concerned.
PEVOC and MAVEBA welcomes contributions ranging from fundamental research to all kinds of applications and related established and advanced technologies, with emphasis on translational research.
Proposal for Special Sessions, sw and hw demos, round tables on specific themes, are welcome.

Official website at:

2nd International Voice Symposium, 10-12 Janvier 2014

2nd International Voice Symposium, January 10-12, 2014
Voice Source Characteristics: Methods and Discoveries

at NYU Steinhardt with support from Glottal Enterprises, The Voice Foundation and VoceVista.

 Hosted by: Profs. Brian Gill, Johan Sundberg, and Filipa Lã

Dates: January 10 – 12, 2014


The Symposium will be held in the Frederick Loewe Theatre on the ground floor of the Steinhardt Education Building located at 35 West 4th Street, New York, NY 10012.

 Invited Speakers:

Milan Amin, Ron Baken, Ryan Branski, Martin Daughtry, Michael Döllinger, Matthias Echternach, Svante Granqvist, Nathalie Henrich, Christian Herbst, Willy Mattheus, Donald Miller, Dirk Mürbe, Martin Rothenberg, Ronald Scherer, Lucian Sulica, Jan Svec, Sten Ternström, Ingo Titze, and Pedro Vilda.

Visit the NYU website for more information


ICVPB, 23-26 Avril 2014 (Salt Lake City, UT-USA)

APRIL 23-26, 2014  (Salt Lake City, UT-USA)
International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics
Hosted by the National Center for Voice and Speech, this forum will be provided for the presentation and discussion of current scientific research on the larynx and voice. The emphasis of this conference will be on basic and applied research rather than clinical treatment studies.

Submit your abstract to participate through Podium or Poster Presentations on the following subjects:

Fluid Structure into Action
Singing Voice
Animal Vocalizations

Abstract Guidelines:
Deadline to Submit Abstracts is November 1st, 2013
100-150 Words
Submit your abstracts to:

For more information or to register please visit: ICVPB2014

Bourses GSAM-SFA pour European Academy of Voice ou SMAC

Groupe Spécialisé d’Acoustique Musicale

* Le GSAM souhaite favoriser la participation d’étudiants à European Academy of Voice. Cette journée de cours sur la voix, satellite du congrès PEVOC, aura lieu le mercredi 21 août 2013 à Prague. Le GSAM remboursera l’inscription à trois étudiants maximum. Les candidats doivent envoyer un CV et une lettre de motivation avant le vendredi 24 mai à Christophe Vergez.

* Le GSAM souhaite favoriser la participation d’étudiants au congrès SMAC en Suède, un congrès d’Acoustique Musicale qui a lieu tous les dix ans. Une bourse est proposée, selon les modalités suivantes.


Workshop on Affective Social Speech Signals – WASSS’201

**** Workshop  on Affective Social Speech Signals    WASSS’201  ****

Grenoble, 22-23 august 2013 –

Satellite of Interspeech 2013

The WASSSS workshop will take place at the University of Grenoble, approximately 1.5 hour by train, bus or car from Lyon. It will be held over 2 days: the Thursday and Friday before Interspeech.).

This workshop will provide a meeting place for the  different communities interested into why, how and when speech is used by humans for signalling socio-affective functions. It will be dedicated to building interdisciplinary research and cross-fertilization between the  different scientific communities All areas related to human communication are concerned: language and speech computing, robotics or virtual agents, as well as linguistics, phonetics, pragmatics, didactics, sociology, psychology, neuropsychology, ethology, biology, etc. The organisation of affect is complex – from low-level emotion automatic or reflexive  processing to higher cognitive levels , culture-dependent, language-organized, controlled processing. Speech can signal some very rich social and emotional cues, reflecting personality, social role, the cultural/language  specificities in all human interactions and more broadly  in human communication.  This workshop will be especially the place where “social emotions” will be debated from different points of view, with different meanings depending on the domain.

— The intended contributions can be related, but not limited to:

–       social emotions, social affect: theories or models, how and why signalled
–       social affect signals (e.g. expressions of automatic emotions and more social emotions, attitudes, intentions, mental states, cognitive processing, feelings…): corpus,  description, annotation, etc
–       the cultural contrast of affective social speech
–       psychological/neuropsychological models and cues for social affect processing
–       social and anthropological models for analysing affective processing and
–        emotions expressions
–       social affect in Human Machine Interaction and dialog
–       multimodality of the social signals in face to face speech interactions
–       the place of social speech affect in L2 learning
–        the challenge of social signals for robots and embodied virtual agents
–       social affect in  speech technologies: speech synthesis, recognition or translation
–       speech social affect within personality, social rule and culture
–       lexicon of social affect in  speech
–       sentiment analysis/opinion mining in  speech
–       etc

******* Important dates:

– paper submission:   22 april 2103
– acceptation notification: 17 june 2013
– final submission:  22 july 2013
– early registration: 27 june 2013
– late registration: 20 july 2013

—-  WASSS overlaps 1 day with SLPAT at the same place: it will be possible to register WASSS  together with SLPAT (decreased fees)

— submission

Papers should be a maximum of 4 pages Interspeech format (see submission guidelines on Interspeech site). Every paper will be reviewed by at least 2 members of the scientific committee (extension of the program committee).
The workshop contributions be followed by a special publication of selected papers.

Program CommiteeAubergé V, LIG CNRS, Grenoble, France
Campbell N, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Grandjean D., Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland
Mac K D, MICA, Hanoi, Vietnam
De Meo A, L2 Linguistics and Audio-Visual Center, Italy
de Moraes JA, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sagisaka Y, Waseda University, Japan
Wichman A, School of Literature, Language and International Studies, University of Central Lancashire, UK.
Pettorino M., L’Orientale University, Napoli, Italy
Rilliard A, LIMSI, Paris, France
Shochi T, Université Bordeaux, France
Tutin, A, Lidilem, Grenoble, France

Organization Committee

Aubergé V, LIG, Grenoble, France, chair
Adam Carole, LIG, Grenoble, France
Rossato Solange, LIG, Grenoble, France
Sasa Y., LIG, Grenoble, France

Vacher M, LIG, Grenoble, France

Vaufreydaz Dominique, INRIA/LIG, Grenoble, France

Antunes L., UFOP, Minais Gerais, Brazil

Rousset I., Lidilem, Grenoble France

Zampa V., Lidilem, Grenoble, France

Henrich N, Gipsa Lab, Grenoble, France

Lu Y, Gipsa Lab, Grenoble, France

Vallée N., Gipsa Lab, Grenoble, France